With words & works

*wurdą ⁊ wurką

by C Ryan Moniz

original research· spring 2013 - harvest 2021
updated & published· spring 2022


Mjǫðr Óðins· Reconstructing Germanic verse formulae

This formula, paralleling alliterating *wurdą ‘word’ and *wurką ‘work, deed,’ also has many West Germanic-only variants with reflexes of Proto-West-Germanic *dādi ‘deed.’ The most common variant, however, uses the former two words, and it even has parallels in some Old Norse poetry, in which the words were no longer alliterative (orð & verk respectively). The word for ‘and’ in West Germanic reflects Proto-Germanic *andi ‘in addition’ (cf. Old Norse enn ‘yet, still’); the Old Norse ok derives from Proto-Germanic *auk ‘also’ (cf. Old English éac / Old Saxon ôk ‘also, too’). The original Proto-Germanic coordinating conjunction *ja(hw) (cf. Gothic jah), which does appear in the Hêliand 5480a example: gie wordo gie werko.

*wurdą jahw wurką

Old English

word ⁊ weorc

Béowulf 1833a; Gúþlác 581a, 793a; Crist 917a, 1236a

weordum ⁊ worcum | wordum ⁊ weorcum

Old Saxon

word ⁊ werk

Hêliand 1551a, 2612a, 3473a, 3945a

wordon ⁊ werkon

Hêliand 5480a

gie wordo gie werko

Old Saxon Baptismal Vow

uuercum and uuordum

Old Norse

orð ⁊ verk

Hávamál 14a

orð mér af orði   orðs leitaði
verk mér af verki   verks leitaði

Kátrínardrápa 24

orð ⁊ verk

Harmsól 9

gerðak opt í orðum
… sem verkum
… í gǫgn þér dróttin


PWG *(ne) word ne werk

Old English

wordum né worcum

Béowulf 1100a

wordum né worcum

Old Saxon

ne word ne werk

Hêliand 1578a

ne wordo ne werko


PWG *word andi dādi

Old English

word ⁊ dǽd

Gúþlác 619b; Andreas 596b; Genesis A 2352b

wordum ⁊ dǽdum

Crist 1367b, 1582b

worda ⁊ dǽda

Old Saxon

word ⁊ dâdi

Hêliand 1990b, 5289b

word ⁊ dâdi

Genesis B 440b

wordum ⁊ dǽdum



PWG *dādi andi word

Old English

dǽd ⁊ word

Crist 429b

dǽdum ⁊ wordum

Old Saxon

dâdi ⁊ word

Hêliand 1229b, 2966b

dâdio ⁊ wordo


PWG *word efþau dādi

Old English

word oððe dǽd

Genesis A 2813a

wordum oððe dǽdum

Old Saxon

word eftha werk

Hêliand 2834a

wordo eftha werko


Mjǫðr Óðins· Reconstructing Germanic verse formulae
